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电动汽车网(创办于2008年7月,目前拥有会员10万余人,电动汽车网的定位是成为中国最专业和全面贴近用户的电动汽车论坛、电动汽车行业社区(社交平台),汇聚业内众多企业、经销商、从业者、用户的智慧。电动汽车网目前已成为电动汽车行业最有影响力的行业论坛(行业社交平台)。 |
EVHUB.IN is the fast-growing online Information and media portal obsessively promoting and profiling green products and companies related to electric vehicles and renewable energy products. We provide up-to-date daily news and weekly reviews, Interviews with business leaders, green event coverage, market research, company news linking and database of companies who do eco-friendly businesses around the world. Our readers are high-level executives, business leaders, educational institutions, investors, business owners and government institutions throughout the world. |
Next Green Car's Zap-Map is the most comprehensive UK-wide map of electric car charging points. Showing charge points by plug type (slow, fast and rapid), route-finding, bookmarks and more it is an excellent resource to find the location and profile of EV charging points in the UK. |
Next Green Car is the UK's leading green car website providing independent and expert advice to help people find a more economical and efficient car. With all the latest electric car news, a microsite dedicated to electric cars and the unique Next Green Car Rating enabling comparison across technologies - Next Green Car is an essential destination for those researching electric cars. |
The Leading Network in the Electricity Industry |
中国锂电网(最专业的中国锂电池行业门户网站,网站成立于2008年,经过多年的持续发展已经在业内建立了良好的口碑和极大的影响力。中国锂电网提供锂电池行业和锂池电相关行业最新资讯,市场行情 ,产业动向,生产检测设备、最新技术等信息。中国锂电网以磷酸铁锂新能源正极材料、锂离子动力电池、新能源汽车为核心引领行业高速发展! 同时为广大锂电池企业和锂电池相关企业用户提供:产品销售、企业采购、产品在线展示、企业商铺、企业推广、产品营销、新闻发布等交互式信息服务。 |
China5e is an independent information and consulting insititution specializing in energy and related industries. Combining unrivalled experience, China5e strives to deliver timely energy information and professional market research service as well as events and PR service to our clients. |
Energy Research Observe Net(ERO:, constructed by SGERI and related media, is an open academic exchange-platform and comprehensive energy information platform to face forward domestic and overseas countries. The main columns of ERO include: "Dynamic News", "Hot Topics", "Specialist Viewpoints", "Research Observe", "Specialist Interview", "Research Reports", "Energy Data", "Policies and Regulations", "International Energy" and "Information Service", etc. State Grid Energy Research Institute (SGERI), an exclusively-invested subsidiary of State Grid Corporation of China (SGCC), specialized in soft sciences and consulting services, playing as a think-tank and exchange-platform in comprehensive energy research. SGERI has honed obvious advantages in such fields as power sector planning, energy & environmental protection policy, power supply and demand analysis, corporate strategy and management, institutional reform and power market, accounting audit, power pricing, and energy statistics & analysis and etc, and forged a team with high professional quality and capability. |
EV视界新能源汽车网(始创于2013年6月,创办单位为北京亿微视界信息科技有限公司,致力于快速推动新能源汽车的推广普及。EV视界新能源汽车网(是国内首家以打造新能源汽车产业链资讯为主的权威媒体发布平台,内容涵盖国内外潮流资讯,第一时间为业内资深人士提供技术交流。 我们的使命:为打造最专业的新能源汽车行业平台! |, the power industry's first vertical portal to power as the core product portal. Organized by the China Power Supply Association, to provide power information services, data services, interactive services, Web services platform trinity. of vertical platform as the power supply industry, adhere to the product as the core value creation, dissemination value, is the only domestic power industry to achieve the "power products per a site to build a dedicated"media. |
Funded and operated by Beijing Asian Automotive Associated IT Co., Ltd., is devoted to promoting the development of new-energy automobile market and relative industries, and providing professional information and integrated resources for auto manufacturers, auto parts suppliers, dealers and massive customers. |
China Business Update (CBU) in Beijing engages in China trade publishing, business consulting and international trade with an exclusive focus on the Chinese automotive industry. In addition to an English weekly newsletter, CBU-Auto, a bi-weekly newsletter, CBU-HeavyDuty, a |
新浪汽车(是新浪网下属的重要栏目,成立于2000年。新浪汽车针对汽车行业人士和购车、用车用户,以行业影响力为基础,以服务用户为导向,以商业化运营为手段,是中国影响力最大,最具权威性的汽车网站。 |
The Strategist Pte Ltd is an established publishing house and consultancy with its strength in Asia's oil, gas, renewable energy, power and petrochemical industries. Founded in 1993, Singapore-based The Strategist produces the EnergyAsia stable of publications:- - EnergyAsia Daily on on the oil, gas, power and petrochemical industries |
EnergyTrend is the leading website on green news since 2010 and is dedicated to provide market intelligence and to deliver the price information on green/renewable energy industry. EnergyTrend is also a global market research firm that has an insightful analysis in the scope of solar, lithium battery, xEVs and the related applications. For more information, please visit |
Mobility keeps you up to speed on all the news and events in Europe's collective transport industry. Developments in legislation, regulations and standards, the economic situation, advanced technologies, innovative solutions, new trends and current issues… we deliver the information in the form of technical articles and with interviews with key players in the field. |
Navigant Research is a market research and consulting team that provides in-depth analysis of global clean technology markets. The team's research methodology combines supply-side industry analysis, end-user primary research and demand assessment, and deep examination of technology trends to provide a comprehensive view of these industry sectors. |
客车联盟网(创办于2007年,是一家专业性的客车类门户网站。依托强大的网络技术优势和专业的运营团队,客车联盟网大胆颠覆了传统行业媒体的固有模式,创建行业最强大完善的产品、资讯库以及垂直搜索引擎功能,建立最广泛的媒体联盟,打造最早的视频传播和立体式传播模式,给行业读者带来了全新体验和不一样的感受;并不断深入企业前期品牌活动策划,提供品牌咨询服务,协助企业品牌活动落地,以及为企业提供行业信息简报、市场调研报告等决策参考性资料。 |
Environment Analyst is a publishing and business research organisation with a remit to track performance and opportunities within the environmental services sector, with a particular focus on the environmental consulting and support services market. We also publish the Chemical Watch information service. |
Global Reach, Local Services More facts about Interfax Business Wire Services: |
电动车时代网(立足打造电动车行业消费者选车第一平台,全面跟踪关注电动自行车、电动三轮车、电动汽车及低速车、电池电机等领域的新闻资讯、产品信息、市场反应,并向消费者提供新车资讯、产品评测、价格参数等信息。 |
Renewable Energy Database was founded in 2008 in Berlin, Germany. Since the beginning our mission was to make the rapidly developing renewable energy market more transparent and to promote the most recent and efficient technologies in the green energy sector. By 2013, with over 20 000 visitors monthly from 97 countries, it has become one of the major global renewable energy platforms participating in the global transfer of knowledge in the green energy sector. |
泰多克,全球优质汽配制造商的品牌标志! 泰多克致力于打造全球最专业的优质汽配制造商展示推广平台,现总部位于欧洲英国,同时已在多个国家与地区建立分支机构。在吸收全球专业买家建议的基础上,泰多克制定了产品展示商 标准,并邀请全球优质汽配制造商加入。通对全球各大重量级汽配展会以及光盘、网站、采购目录等进行多种渠道的推广。 泰多克推广将大大提升优质制造商的曝光率,缩减国际专业买家搜寻优质制造商的成本与时间 ,保证国际贸易的高效与品质。 经过多年的努力与市场开拓,现已与全球超过34个国家与地区的众多汽车生产企业、多国经济贸易组织或大型汽配连锁市场、大额采购商及批零中心等建立各种多元化合作关系,为泰多克 产品展示商提供最完美匹配的商机及贸易推广。 |
电源技术应用 创刊于1998年4月,由国务院副总理曾培炎题写刊名,中国电源学会、陕西省电源学会联合主办,是电源行业第一本面向应用、具有较强学术性、实用性和信息性的中级技术刊物。10年来一直坚持"致力于电源科技的发展进步,开展学术交流,传播业界信息,推广名优产品"的办刊宗旨,依托中国电源学会的行业优势,立足电源领域,跟踪报道业内领先技术、管理理念以及最新的业界信息,在目标读者群中确立了独有特色、与众不同的媒体形象,成为电源行业领域知名的品牌期刊。 | is the No. 1 financial website in China. The daily traffic has reached 150 million, and the daily visitors has surpassed 20 million. In Nielsen Ratings, eastmoeny ranks No. 1 among Chinese financial websites in terms of weekly visitors. At the same time, eastmoney has 5.2 percent of maket shares, ranking No. 1 among financial websites in China. |
一览(是中国深受欢迎且居领先地位的职业成长社区,它关注职场人职业生涯的全程,为中国职场人提供职业规划、技能学习、职业社交和精准找工作等方面的社区服务。截止2013年,一览已拥有数千万注册用户,主要用户群体为各行业、各产业里居关键或核心岗位的中高端专业人士。 践行专业、开放、合作的运营理念,一览携手各专业机构和权威人士,共建旗下业问、薪闻、访师、文库、职导、求职等产品,在很大程度上改变了传统的学习方式、社交方式、也影响了职场人士的日常工作方式。在一览网,用户不仅可以向这些业界领袖问道、问技、问惑,提升专业技能、拓宽视野、增长见识,同时也可以帮助用户有效的拓展自己的社交关系网,为自己的职业生涯积累深厚的人脉财富,成就成功人生。 一览英才网(为一览旗下品牌,秉承"用心专注,服务专业"的理念,基于细分顾问式求职招聘服务模式,从深圳起航,以加速中国职业化进程为使命,服务客户遍及全国各个重点行业,用户规模居国内网络招聘领域前五名,由于求职招聘效果显著,口碑相传,形成了强势的"招专业人才,上一览英才"业界形象。 |
"Having flagged off its operations more than a decade ago, Automotive-Technology has been an across-the –board network that intensifies the expansive Automotive-Technology market by advertising paramount companies in the sector. | uses cookies to allow us to see how the site is used. These cookies cannot identify you. By continuing to use this site, you give us your consent to allow cookies. If you would like to continue browsing our site, please accept cookies. You can learn more about cookies by reviewing our Privacy Policy. |
节能与新能源汽车网(是我国最早创立的以专业信息服务为主要特色的新能源汽车行业门户网站。本网由中国汽车技术研究中心汽车产业发展研究所主办,并得到了科技部863计划"十一五"节能与新能源汽车重大专项办公室、GEF/UNDP/MOST"中国燃料电池公共汽车商业化示范"国家项目办公室、中机车辆技术服务中心的大力支持,节能与新能源汽车网秉承真实、全面、客观、公正的新闻精神,以权威的节能与新能源汽车领域车型参数、整车产量及相关零部件配套信息服务为主要特色,服务于广大节能与新能源汽车相关从业者和爱好者。 |
中华汽配网由上海创宇信息技术发展有限公司创建于2000年,是国内建立最早的汽车配件及用品行业门户网站,目前已发展成为汽车配件及用品行业中全球最大的电子商务平台,是一个集中英文网站、会展、媒体、海外展示厅、汽配产业园为一体的综合性贸易和投资服务平台。中华汽配网是全国工商联汽车摩托车配件用品业商会信息化专业委员会常务副主任兼秘书长单位,同时执行商会市场部工作并出版商会官方会刊《中华汽摩配》。12年来,中华汽配网秉承"专业服务,持续创新,用心做事,为客户创造价值"的经营理念,矢志不渝地携民族汽配企业,拓全球市场! 截至目前为止:中华汽配网注册会员已达65余万,全球已有150多个国家和地区,超过3100万人次访问、使用中华汽配网。在中华汽配网上注册的国内汽配制造商和贸易商(含中外合资企业、外资企业)达12万余家。在中华汽配网上进行交易的国内外活跃买家多达9.8万,遍布世界各地。 |
Commercial Vehicle Engineer is the multi-award-winning online monthly magazine delivering a unique combination of news, analysis and comment on the commercial vehicle market and aftermarket. The title is aimed at all commercial vehicle engineers, but in particular at transport engineers and fleet managers running UK-based fleets of trucks, light commercial vehicles, buses and coaches. |
中国新能源网(,是中国首家新能源产业综合类电子商务B2B网站。在行业内有着很大影响力。依托专注且专业的互联网信息服务体系和先进的网络技术,为新能源企业搭建诚信的信息服务平台及提供全面的网络营销解决方案。 主要栏目:企业 产品 行情 展会 采购 资讯 技术 样本 专利 百科 招聘。 每年展会与会议合作:超过150家,相关动态超过1000条。 |
电动汽车资源网( ,是电动汽车行业专业网上平台,已发展成为框架完善、信息丰富、功能强大的新能源电动汽车行业中专业、权威的电子商务、资讯、技术交流等电子商务平台。电动汽车资源网把贸易与资讯有机结合一起,整合所有相关行业资源。电动汽车资源网以"全方位电动汽车行业服务平台"为目标,为行业服务,是电动汽车行业人士最关注的新能源汽车门户网站。 |
慧聪汽车中心是汽车产业链内的专业汽车媒体平台,他的旗下包括有乘用车产业,商用车产业、汽车配件产业、汽车用品产业、汽车电子产业、汽车维修保养产业六大平台,横跨汽车整个产业带,从售前到售后,我们关注每个产业带内的专业信息和内容,为行业内的用户和渠道提供了不可或缺的一手信息资源,同时也吸引了大部分车主来本网关注汽车相关类的信息内容,带动终端车主以专业的视角来解读和使用爱车。 慧聪汽车中心的定位横跨整个汽车产业中的企业、渠道和终端,实现BtoB和BtoC的交互运营,建立有慧聪特色的汽车类网站,慧聪汽车网依托慧聪平台,依托慧聪网的定向用户群体,利用多行业优质游览用户群体,建立符合产业用户所需的内容,增加客户粘度的同时传递有价值的新闻和产品信息。在加上大量专业汽车技术内容的导入,赢得汽车企业和渠道用户以及终端用户的广泛认可。 |
盖世汽车网是全球领先的汽车产业服务提供商,致力于整合全球汽车产业资源,积极促进中国汽车零部件供应商与国内外配套采购商的对接,帮助中国汽车零部件企业创造出口机遇,打通国际市场。 |
Energy has no doubt become one of the most fundamental elements, this element 'ENERGY' is the domain of TOTAL ENERGY INFORMATICS. The unmatched quality with its profound understanding in the energy sector, makes THE SUPERLATIVE intelligent information source of choice for companies involved & looking for business opportunities in the Oil & Gas, Petrochemical, Power, Refinery, Pipeline & Water sectors.
| has been holding an important mission to find high-quality suppliers in supply chain as well as new products and technologies for energy enterprises. In adherence to the tenet of profession,opening and win-win collaboration, has constructed a service platform for the whole energy industry and the supply chain. Years efforts, this platform has not only become mature, but also evolved into the foreland where new products and technologies can satisfy demands of actual market and it has been a reliable platform for enterprise providing high-quality products and service. |
财讯网致力于打造中国领先的网络评论平台,追踪社会热点,以专栏、名家博客形式全方位、多角度提供经济、社会、国际、人文、历史评论。立足中国,放眼全球,把脉经济,畅谈时政,关注民生,品味生活,尽在财讯网。 |
EnergyChinaForum,founded in 2006,is a comprehensive energyinformation provider of China energy market.It owns rich source of customers such as traders,risk managers,analysts and industry leaders.For a long time,Self-absorbed and accumulated reader has been important source of customers.Meanwhile our customer source gives back at witrh steady steps ascension.Its products including ECF China Oil,Gas & Petrochemical Newsletter,ECF China Coal & Electrical Power Newsletter,ECF China New Energy Newsletter.Additional information is available at |
PETROFINDER is the leading and young company which is providing the most advanced online platform for the real time trading and auction solutions for international oil and gas industries and major physical markets. Please find our introduction and services as follows : 1. B-to-B Online Trading Platform in Energy Sector. For more information about PETROFINDER, please visit our website |